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Error analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:64Posted:2017-11-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: analysismarginal analysisjob analysisin the final analysisself-analysisdata analysiscost analysisdimensional analysis
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1. A method for error analysis of a wander azimuth inertial navigation system and its processing results were presented in this paper.
2. Under certain stability conditions, error analysis is carried out in the maximum norm, and optimal approximation results are derived.
3. By the error analysis, this text gave us a conclusion: we can get a fine accuracy by the sine bar when measuring a small angle.
4. We make the biased error analysis in order to find out what cause the error and how to correct it.
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5. The error analysis on the result obtained by using the two different ways in which slide wire Wheatstone is used to measure the unknown resistance is conducted.
6. It provides example for error analysis and modification of virtual instrument system. It discusses the error analysis and modification of virtual noise analyzer and virtual ECG analyzer.
7. The principle of trace control, error analysis and the software design which improves the quality of interpolation are described also.
8. The quantitative error analysis using this method for a multi-port reflectometer is given also.
9. This paper deals with the error analysis and statistics method for fault locator.
10. The error analysis shows that the present indexing method seems to be available to the cases of the zone axis both parallel and inclined to the optical axis of SEM.
11. Error analysis, transfer theory and contrastive analysis of andare illustrated in the second chapter.
12. The paper describes the error analysis for this accuracy angular position transducer and the method for eliminating the error.
13. In the paper the curve interpolating calculation ad error analysis for CNC grinding of plane cam are discussed, and the tool - path generation is also analyzed.
14. In addition, error analysis about one dimensional FFT with non-equal word length and with fixed-point representation is also studied by computer imitation.
15. Two kinds of helicopter-borne aiming error analysis methods, i. e. approximating constant error analysis method and random error analysis method, with respect to different cases were discussed.
16. Has done the error analysis based on the experimental result and the principle of the charge amplifier.
17. The measuringaccuracy may be improved through the density input value error analysis and thc error limitation.
18. The study is to describe[], classify and analyze non-finite verb errors by Chinese Vocational College English majors through Interlanguage Analysis and Error Analysis.
19. The simulation model of radar detection is established through radar equation and error analysis.
20. It analyses the simulation output of throughput capacity, the port pressure and the simulation trends, and examinations the model is reasonable using of error analysis to those three level variables.
21. A new spherometer based on self-reference laser shearing interferometric technique is described The principles and error analysis of the spherometer are given in detall.
22. In the first part of this paper, the principle and the error analysis of our ultrasonic velocimeter are presented, and a comparison with the"Sing Around Velocimeter"is given.
23. Bring forward how to choose of circuit element through error analysis and the method of patulous measure rule was discussed.
24. Interval curves and interval surfaces are application and extension of interval analysis method in CAGD, which is important tool for error analysis in numerical analysis field.
25. The establishment of a dynamic system concept provides new methods for optical systems in holo-dynamic adjustment and in error analysis.
26. The thesis studies the forward kinematics of parallel manipulators and error analysis and compensation of mechanism.
27. This paper deals with the structural design principle, the technical features, the method of verification as well as the error analysis of the first class national standard metal capacity system.
28. To analyze the rounding error of calculator floating-point numbers arithmetic operation is the foundation of numerical calculation method's error analysis.
29. The learner corpus - based approaches include CIA ( Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis ) and CEA ( Computer - aided Error Analysis ).
30. The paper illuminated the vector measure key technique method and error analysis on the three Coordinate Measuring Machine, taking an car part for example.
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